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4th March
written by Matt The Cat

Friday Night Cat Fight Podcast

“Dedicated To The One I Love”

The Friday Night Cat Fight features a classic vocal group record this week with “Dedicated To The One I Love.” The song was co-written by the “5” Royales insanely talented guitar player and songwriter Lowman Pauling in 1957. His group cut the original version of the tune without much success. The Shirelles made a slight dent in the charts in 1959 with the first release of their cover. In 1961, everything changed. King re-released the “5” Royales’ original and it scraped the charts, but that prompted the Shirelles’ label to re-release their version and it shot to #3 on the charts. In 1967, Mama Michelle got her first lead vocal as Dunhill Records issued the Mamas And The Papas version which hit #2. Many others have covered this classic tune, but these three versions stand out as the best and most popular.

Click Here To Listen To The Friday Night Cat Fight Podcast

1 Comment

  1. Warren Mills

    There are certain songs that are “special” and almost reach anthems status. They get done and re-done to become timeless. “Dedicated to the one I love” falls into this category. I voted for the 5 Royales version but it was a tough call. Shirley Black was great in lead for the Shirelles version.

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