Archive for January, 2009

30th January
written by Matt The Cat

Hey Cats n’ Kittens,

I’m still prowlin’ out here in those cold back alleys. First, we’ve got this week’s Friday Night Cat Fight.

This is a very exciting Cat Fight this week as the Five Keys go for FIVE straight wins. If they win this week, they’ll be inducted into the Alley Of Fame. We’re going back to their original winning song from five week’s ago, “The Glory Of Love”. This week, they’ll battle The Velvetones and their 1957 version of the song. The choice is yours, Cats n’ Kittens. Will The Keys makes it into the Ally Of Fame OR will The Velvetones stop them dead in their tracks.

Hear and VOTE on The Friday Night Cat Fight by clicking HERE!

Classic Night Prowl Show Discovered!

Thanks to Lee, former Night Prowler, I’m very excited to offer you a podcast of a classic Night Prowl Show from back in August of 2004. This was a special Thursday Night show that I did featuring some of the greatest DJs of all time. We had some very interesting callers during the show. I hope you enjoy hearing this over four years after it originally aired. Visit my Podcasting Page to hear it.

The Day The Music Died: 50 Years Later…

This Tuesday will be the 50th anniversary of the horrible plane crash that killed Buddy Holly, Rirchie Valens and JP “The Big Bopper” Richardson. You know if I were still on the air, I’d be doing a special show for our heroes. However, Alex Ward always does a fantastic job with “The Day The Music Died”. Hear Alex’s show, “The Pink And Black Days” on XM’s 50s on 5 this Sunday (2/1/2009) at 6pm EST. Also, Rockin’ Ed has put together a fantastic podcast featuring some great, rare Buddy Holly songs at Mystery Train Wreck . Of course there are events going on around Clear Lake, IA as there is every year around this time. More information about The Surf Ballroom and the list of who’s attending this year’s 50th Anniversary can be found here.

Keep on prowlin’ and doncha ever stop, b/c the day you stop prowlin’ will sho’ enough be the day you drop.


Matt The Cat

23rd January
written by Matt The Cat
The Five Keys Are on FIRE!

Last Week’s Song “Ling Ting Tong “
Five Keys: 126 Votes
Buddy Knox : 35 Votes

The Five Keys have now won a remarkable three Cat Fights in a row. If they win 2 more, then they will be inducted into the “Alley Of Fame” on Only 3 artists are currently in the Alley, so it’ll be interesting to see if The Five Keys will become #4.
This week, The Five Keys are defending one of their classic tunes, “Out Of Sight, Out Of Mind” from 1956. Their competitors have sped it up a little, without losing the general “feel” of the songs. Listen, dig and vote for the version you truly dig the most, this week on the
Friday Night Cat Fight.

Website Updates!
You may have noticed that I’ve been gradually updating my website to better reflect what’s going on these days. Since I no longer host “The Night Prowl Show” or “Harlem”, I have moved these shows from prominence on the homepage. Pages for these two shows still exist and can be found under the “Radio Shows” link on the homepage. I’ve placed the things that I am doing NOW up-front and center. You will find easy links on the homepage to my Blog, The Plattah Chattah Forum, The Friday Night Cat Fight and my Radio Interviews.
I’ve put up a Night Prowl Show Audio page. I’ll be filling that in with new audio clips over the next few weeks. I even have some complete Night Prowl Shows to share with you Prowlers (Thanks Lee). To tide you over, I put up Tom “Yum Yum” Alicandri’s appearance on the Night Prowl from a few years ago. It’s never been re-aired, so if you missed Yum Yum the first time around, catch the segment, complete with phone calls from some Night Prowl regulars (The Real George) now on the
Night Prowl Show Audio Page.

Catch ya on the flipside,

Matt The Cat

16th January
written by Matt The Cat

Last Week’s Song – “From The Bottom Of My Heart “
Five Keys: 77 Votes

The Clovers: 61 Votes

The Five Keys have done it again. They got 56% of the vote and defeated The Clovers over the Chuck Willis penned song, “From The Bottom Of My Heart.”
Now they are back, trying to win 3 weeks in a row. I think this week’s Cat Fight will be based on your preference of musical genre. Rockabilly Buddy Knox will be up against the vocalizing Five Keys over the song, “Ling Ting Tong.” Vote now, Cats n’ kittens.

Friday Night Cat Fight On The Web!

If you haven’t signed up for my weekly email newsletter, The Night Prowler, you should do so at the bottom of Each week, I include special exclusive audio content that you can ONLY get if you subscribe to my free newsletter. Keep on prowlin’ and pass on the word that classic R&B; and rock n’ roll still live at
