Archive for November, 2005

28th November
written by Matt The Cat

This week on The Night Prowl Show

Tuesday – Bluesday Tuesday: Matt features an extra dose of blues and R&B; to get ya all warmed up and ready for HARLEM which airs at midnight EST and 9pm PST.

Wednesday – West Coast Wednesday: The great groups and artists from the West Coast get the spotlight as we honor The Penguins, Ritchie Valans, The Medallions, The Meadowlarks and Dick Dale, just to name a few.

Thursday – Doo Wop Thursday: YES! Doo Wop Thursday returns this week to deliver more of what you love; Doo Wop music. Catch all the hits and rarities from the Dominoes, Penguins, Drifters, Swallows, Flamingos, Cadillacs and many many more.

Friday – A wild and crazy Friday Night featuring the world famous, Friday Night Cat Fight. 2 songs battle it out at 10pm EST – 7pm PST and you Night Prowlers get to decide the winner. Daddy Dave’s Hollywood Diner follows the show at 11pm EST.

This blog is now syndicated, so you can subscribe to it if you want. Just click the “FeedBurner” icon to the right.

Also, many pages on my Soul Bucket radio show have been updated. The history of the show as well as some sound clips from the greatest Soul Bucket shows are now online.

Discuss the new Johnny Cash biopic “Walk The Line” and many other topics over at the Plattah Chattah Forum.
If you haven’t already, become an official Night Prowler here.

As always, any comments or suggestions for future shows can be emailed to me here.

Next week, don’t miss a brand new Harlem on the great vocal group, The Swallows. It begins on Dec 5th.

28th November
written by Matt The Cat

What I did over my Thanksgiving…

Over the Thanksgiving Holiday, I left the Satellites of Rock and Roll to journey to a part of the country I had never been before; Nebraska. Want proof? Here’s a picture of me riding my first tracker in Schuyler. Thanks to Seth of the hot rod gang, The Contenders for showing me how to drive it and for letting me feed his sheep. Having come from the East Coast, I’ve never seen such flat land as they have in Nebraska. The wind never stops blowing. I feel like a got a real understanding of the restlessness that exists out there. No wonder some of the greatest music ever made came from the mid-west. Omaha was a nice town, but it was Lincoln that I really dug. They have some great vinyl stores still going strong in this little college town. There was definitely energy and creativity in the air. Now Nebraska isn’t just a great, stark Bruce Springsteen record anymore to me. My eyes have been opened. Oh, and the beer is nice and cheap out there too.

21st November
written by Matt The Cat
Link Wray
Dead at 76
Died November 5, 2005
Buried November 18, 2005
I just found out about it today, November 21, 2005
Tribute on tonight’s show to a man who invented the power chord and helped create that wild, rock n’ roll image.