Archive for April 5th, 2010

5th April
written by Matt The Cat

I’m Flyin’ In The Rocket!

 Rock-it Radio Online

 Great news!  Beginning later this week, The Friday Night Cat Fight Podcast will also be heard over!  I am very pleased, proud and honored to be able to present my weekly podcast on the internet’s premiere place for oldies radio, Rock-It Radio! 

Each show will still appear first on and the addition of the Rock-It Radio audience will offer great exposure for what I do.  Please check out Rock-It’s great line-up of DJs and shows.  Some of these jocks should sound familiar to you.  Cool Bobby B’s show can be heard every week on Rock-It Radio, so if you’ve cancelled your XM, this is a great way to still catch the “king of the cowbell,” Cool Bobby B.  Also, remember when author Steve Propes used to come on my Doo Wop West Coast Wednesday shows?  Well, he’s got a fantastic 45s show on Rock-It.  Also, Rick Ward and Judy The Beauty, who used to call into my Night Prowl Show all the time have a wonderful show as well as Lane Quigley, Bill Green and some great rockabilly shows from Trevor Highland and Jackie Bond.  There’s so much more great programming on Rock-It Radio, that I can’t mention it all here, so go on over to and check it out, sign up for their weekly newsletter AND buy some of the great classic DJ airchecks that they have for sale. 

So as you can see, Rock-It Radio is a great place for me and my Cat Fight Show. They are non-profit and dedicated to the preservation and presentation of the music we all love!  BLAST OFF!