22nd May
Hey Cats n’ Kittens,
This was a good weekend for record hunting. I found so many beautiful 78s in great condition, that I almost lost my mind (like Ivory Joe). I couldn’t buy ’em all, but I did manage to take a few back up to the satellite. Here are some picks of my finds. If you ever go record hunting with me, don’t even think about trying to swipe one of my finds. Especially if it’s a Warren Smith single on Sun.
Hey, Furry One:
That’s a nice assortment of “finds” including a recent Cat Fight winner.
Seems like you spend a lot of your weekend time record hunting. That’s just what I did starting in my early teens. Guess we’re a lot alike – only difference is I didn’t host a weekly radio show when I was 13.
Warning: if MTC follows the history of LIB, you’ve got decades more of “record hunting” ahead of you. Hope Night Prowl continues its growth and XM rewards you appropriately – because these rare 78’s and 45’s cost a lot more than they did back when I was in my early years of collecting.
Thanks for sharing the pics and once again bringing back great memories.
Keep on prowlin’, LIB.
Yo Top Cat
Thoss are some excellent finds. I’ve been a record collector for almost 50 years, and know what a thrill it is to find some great lost treasures. One of the big thrills for me was, and still is when I get the chance, is to get into some old record stores and go through their new old stock that has been stashed away in their basement for over 50 years. I have a friend who is a collectable record dealer, and has ways of getting into these places. You wouldn’t believe some of the dark, dingy, and dirty holes we went into to find some of these really great treasures. Sometimes you’d get a good deal because they just wanted to get the stuff out of there. My main hunting ground was the south side of Chicago. Not exactly the best neighborhoods, but that’s where I found some really great stuff.
Keep up the great work, and show us more of your finds from time to time, and of course,Keep playing the great music
The Shadow
So does anyone know about any decent record shops around Madison? I’ve been to Half Price Books, but I only consider them fair. Maybe Milwaukee or even Chicago (if I have to).
John From Madison
Yo John
Have you tried Mad City Music on williammson st in Madison? I’ve been known to find some stuff there. TRere’s also Sugar shack records on Atwood ave.
If you get the urge to go to Rockford Illinois , There’s a place called Toad Hall. They used to be rather interesting when I lived there. Problem is, vinyl is gettin harder to find, but sometimes you get lucky. You micht try garage sales and second hand stores too. I’ve gotten lucky there too. Good Luck,
The shadow in Madison