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Monday, June 27, 2005

Interview With Author Jim Dawson on Thursday Night 6/30/05

This Thursday, rock n' roll author Jim Dawson joins me LIVE to discuss his new book "Rock Around The Clock", which traces the origins of the hit song. Did you know that "Rock Around The Clock" was spliced together from 2 unusable takes and then thrown on the B side of Haley's 1954 flop, "Thirteen Women" (which I love, by the way)? Jim actually pinpoints the true beginnings of "Rock Around The Clock" back to the mid 20s. He'll fill ya in and we'll even hear many of the evolutionary recordings that led up to this ground breaking song, this Thursday @ 8pm EST/5pm PST on The Night Prowl Show.

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Friday, June 24, 2005

The King

Here is the Legendary B.B. King with Matt The Cat in the XM Satellite.

Willie And Me

Here I am with the Legendary Willie Nelson. This pic was taken just a few days ago in the satellite. I'm the one without the braids.

Friday Night

Don't miss tonight's show as we feature the Friday Night Cat Fight! This is where I pick an original version of a song and put it up against a great cover version on the same song. They'll battle it out and YOU will get to call in and VOTE for the version you DIG THE MOST! The 50s on 5 Request-O-Matic hotline is toll free 1-866-267-0346.

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Sunday, June 19, 2005

The Beginning

The heppest show on satellite radio FINALLY makes it into cyberspace. Welcome cats n' kittens to the official home of XM Satellite Radio's NIGHT PROWL SHOW!

The latest and the greatest information will be posted here and updated frequently. We're not just keepin' the big beat jive alive on the 50s on 5, now we're rockin' the net and you can bet, it's gonna be reeeeeeaaaal gooooonnne!