Archive for October, 2009

9th October
written by Matt The Cat

Oh babe, I hate to go…

Airplane Songs

The Friday Night Cat Fight takes to the friendly skies this week for songs about airplanes and flying. So check your “vector” and get on-board, it just might be a bumpy ride. We’ll hear classics from Roger Miller, Ray & Bob, The Steve Miller Band and many other tunes of turbulence in the sky.

Vote for your favorite version of “Leaving On A Jet Plane”. Will it be Peter, Paul & Mary’s #1 hit interpretation of John Denver’s tune OR John Denver’s 1969 version that appeared on his first record? You decide and please, keep your seatbelts fastened while in your seat and thank you for not smoking.

2nd October
written by Matt The Cat

Chicken Baby Chicken…

Bird Songs Part 2

Chicken Songs

The “bird” theme continues on this week’s Podcast with songs about “Chickens”. These songs are about chickens as birds, as food and also the dance. You’ll hear groovy tunes by Cab Calloway, Amos Milburn, Lighnin’ Slim and The Rolling Stones.

This week’s Cat Fight is between Howlin’ Wolf and Sam Cooke over the classic blues tune, “The (Little) Red Rooster”. Dig on the show and then vote for your favorite version below.

Click Here To Listen To the FNCF Podcast
